Saturday, April 7, 2012

Why I Want To Be A Pirate

I decided today when I was walking in the mall that I wanted to be a pirate. See then I could jump into the fountain and yell ME GOLD! I think it would be so much fun and I could keep all my treasure that I got out of the fountain. I wonder what they would do if I pushed one of the benches to the edge of the fountain and made people walk the plank! It wouldn't hurt them after all they wouldn't have far to fall at all. It was not a huge fountain and the bench not high. So it would be all good right.

How would I look as I pirate? I bet cool... I could even make my little squirrels pirates too! give them little pirate hats? I think so yep yep. An maybe a Monkey named First Mate Banana?

I don't see how this plan could fail! I just gotta find the my costume now. A monkey to be my First Mate Banana and we will be ready. Time to go to looking for them and then to the mall we go to get me Treasure!!

Well its off to the clear blue waters to make my fortune. ARRRRGGGGGGGGG! ;) 

Happy Treasure Hunting Readers,

The Fry

1 comment:

  1. "Shiver me timbers wittle fry..Me Gold!" I want me treasure too lol ;)
