Thursday, April 19, 2012

I Just Wanted To Make Them Blue

Well you cant say that my daughter is not creative. I was just doing normal stuff around the house. Nothing really out the normal so will not go in details. When I realized things were to quiet. If you are a parent you know what I mean. It is the silence that sets off a feeling that the little one is up to no good. A quiet child is one up to no good.

I was right but I had a hard time not laughing! To explain why I have to start with the search. I looked all around the house for her. Not in her room, not in mine, porch, living room or kitchen. Open the bathroom door and there is my daughter. With a proud grin on her face ready to show me her grand idea! In her hand is a white sock. Holding it right in the toilet water.

I was stunned at first then she points to the edge of the tub. Look Mommy! I made them all blue! There on the edge of the tub was about a dozen used to be white socks that are now blue from toilet water. Lined up all nice and neat to dry. I wanted to laugh so bad and wanted to yell at the same time laugh. I think I did a little of DON'T DO THAT! Then a little laughing as she looked so sad and told her it was okay but why it was wrong. She said sorry mommy I just wanted to have them be pretty blue socks.

Then I got to thinking what made her even think of this idea in the first place so I asked. She said well we made the Easter Eggs pretty with the color water so I was trying to do the same with my socks. It worked see! Pointing at her socks still drying. I had to laugh. It was kind of my doing in a way so no punishment. I explained the difference so I didn't find anything else colored blue with toilet water and then took her pretty blue socks and put them in the wash.

We went to the store after and got her blue socks that were pretty and already blue. Now she is a happy and running around in her new pretty blue socks.

Even the name of the socks were fitting that she picked out. Happy Socks for a happy little girl. Just goes to show you random things can happen all the time. An most of the time they end with a happy ending. 

Hope You & Your Feet Have A Happy Day Readers,

The Fry 

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