Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Department Store Shenanigans

Have you ever had time to kill and wandered a department store playing? I love doing that! I go to the toy isles and I push all of the buttons that look interesting. Most of the time till I hit one of them that is really loud or get all going then I hurry away like it was not me!

Then there is the other stuff like taking all the toaster oven timers. Set them all for 10 minutes and walk away. Watch the time on your watch and then go back. Not to the same isle but near enough. Then watch and wait and people jump when they all go off at once hehe. Little things that amuse myself. An running around in the chair trying to run over people or finding stuff to play with and be silly.

I tried on some hats. All kinds of goofy ones. I never really find any that I like to wear I think I own 2 hats that I can stand on me. Yet this time a shocker I found one I liked who would of thought it? So I have to say yep my on purchase was the hat.

Time to go fishing yup! yeeeehawwww!!!! :D An then after I got done and all then I set the chair for the exit and away I went... Did I run someone over? Did I escape? Maybe I crashed? Watch and find out! 

Remember to watch out in the store. You never know when I will come racing down the isles! 

Happy Shopping Readers, 

The Fry


  1. Awesome stuff and yep gotta do it right? Lol and the vid? I watched and laughed... Priceless! LOL

  2. no fair.. i needs to know woman .. did the po po get u?

  3. Come to my Target anytime. You would certainly brighten up my work day.
