Thursday, April 26, 2012

Finally Proof Dolphins Are Evil

I have said for years that dolphins are aliens and bats are there pet minions. I think I have finally got proof! See the way I see it is that dolphins and bats have sonar. Well come on why are they the only ones that have that? I mean wouldn't it make sense that if they are from here they would see and everything like us? Then there is the fact that dolphins save lives blah blah blah and very smart. I think they pick and chose who to save so they keep the heat off them. 

See it is the ones that they DON'T save that tells the truth cause those people seen to much I bet. Then the dolphins made them swim with the fishes for good. I wonder how it works though if there is like a Don Dolphin? Like the head of the family that controls all the Dolphin trouble on earth. He would be one powerful Dolphin! 

The bats are the land spy minions cause they need to know if people are on to them. That's why they seem to sleep in the day time. They are listening in as the dolphins are plotting away in the water to take over the world. It makes perfect sense. 

An the reason I see this as fact for sure now is... Dolphins sleep with 1 eye open! Why would they do that if they didn't have stuff to hid and not plotting away with their evil plans. I am telling you they are up to no good!

I will never go swimming with them. Poor fools that do probably been given a mind control drug or something to make them not see what is going on. yep yep... evil! 

Evil Evil Evil! I KNEW IT!

Safe Swimming Readers,

The Fry


  1. Mafia dolphins eh..they make ya a deal you can't refuse....if you do..well bon voyage lol

  2. my my.....even dolphins r evil, eh?
    i'll nevr go for dolphin shows lol :P
