Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How To Play In The Hail 101

Well I was thinking today, as i was watching the tornado warnings all around and the reports on the hail, what I could do to make it safe to play in? I got to thinking Well the first thing you would need is some padding of some kind like blankets that would absorb the hit but its soft and could still knock you out. You would need something bigger... A huge trash can would be perfect! It would have to be the plastic round one. So it could be whacked and wiggle a little ad absorb more of the direct impact shock.. but what would take it more so and strong enough not to be ripped apart fast by sharp ice hail balls.

The answer Bubble Wrap with duct tape around it!so here is the plan...
1. You need to get a hose.. something to breath through cause your going to be jammed in with blankets into a trash can.

2. Take you trash can and wrap it with the bubble wrap as much as you think you need depending on the hail size. This is trial and error but in this case ... more is better! Trust me on this!

3 Take the duct tape and wrap it all around the bubble wrap giving it almost a protective thick skin as much as you think it needs to make it like a think layer of a rubber ball.

4. Put the hose in your mouth and have a friend wrap you in 2 to 3 blankets. This is a must! It is your padding from that plastic trash can hard sides.

5. Then have them shove the trash can down on you over them and you are ALL SET TO PLAY!

You have all you need to know now to safely play in the hail anytime you want. Remember safety first and fun second!

Happy Stormy Day Readers,

The Fry