Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Stuffed Animals Like My Singing... I Think

So tonight I was listening to my music and felt like singing. I didn't want to be a nut and sing alone to myself though. That might get me called nuts! an I don't want that now do I? So I did the smart thing when one is home alone with no one else. I grabbed the stuffed animals and the dog of course. That was the logical thing to do in that situation.

So I set them all up then grabbed the hair brush. Everyone knows they make the best home microphones. Nothing does as good a job. Turned on Pandora Radio and thought for a minute. So many choices but I went with... 80's Monster Ballads! Some Chicago, Skid Row (I Remember You god I remember these songs) Cinderella, Bryan Adams (Summer Of 69' awesome song), Bon Jovi, Ozzy Osbourne, Bad English (one of my favorite songs ever When I See You Smile) and many others. 

An my stuffed animals just seemed to love it! I mean they didn't look away at all they looked so happy with my little concert for them. I even tried to take some requests but they just looked at me. Obviously they trusted my choices in the choosing. Had to be that. I mean look at them they just seem so happy. Right?

Yep they were getting into it for sure. The little Froggie Fran she was all YAY and doing the wave even. It was great they love me! So I sang a few more then I noticed I had 1 person that was not amused or into it. Every party has a pooper and her is mine!

Its okay she just doesn't know what good is the little party pooper. Yet she is cute so I forgive her and blame the thundershirt! It made her sleepy. Not my singing. It couldnt be that could it? Nawwww :) 

Happy Singing Readers,

The Fry

1 comment:

  1. Good times and looks like a packed house there. Aww your puppy is cute can't be too hard on her then lol.
