Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dance Like You Have Ants In Your Pants

Have you ever just had one of those days that you cant really explain why it was blah... cause it just was? I mean I really just feel frustrated a bit but cant explain why. The cure for this is to find some good music. Crank it loud as you want. Make sure no one is around and do your happy dance. Sing along and look like you are dancing with ants in your pants.

Whatever you want to do just do it! Let it all go and do whatever feels right. Even if it seems silly or something you would never normally do. After all the things you think you would never do open your eyes to see what you might not have. So do whatever that happy dance is for you. That's up to you cause it is just you. Like a blog idea that snaps into your head like a monkey getting struck by holding up a stick while he happy dances or just a feeling of more confidence cause you did it. Whatever it might be you silly monkey!

Have fun and get out of your head and do something silly. Trust me I was blanking on my blog and then I got up and turned on the music. Next thing I knew I was jumping around singing on the furniture and laughing!

I ended it by taking a giant leap onto the bed and yelling touchdown! Then my dog tackled me and I laughed more. An all my frustrating writers block went poof out the window. Then I went for the ice cream. YUMMY!

So to sum up really quick before this ice cream melts.. Yummy stuff! It is strawberry which to me is the best. What is your favorite? ... Sorry off track whoops. FOCUS... FOCUS! I got this... I think. :) Nothing cant Be solved with a Happy Dance, Good Music and Ice Cream! Try it and see if I am right.

Dance Your Happy Dance Readers,

The Fry