Monday, April 2, 2012

Explosive Ocean

Oh look it is Nemo... BOOM ... Buh-bye Nemo! Seriously found out that there are 92 known cases of nuclear bombs lost at sea. What happens if a fish swims into it cause he is drunk off drinks from the local watering hole? There he is swimming along.. What is this it looks all shined up and purdy ...bam... BOOM and then Buh-bye fish and lots of other things. 

Really if we know they were lost have we ever tried looking for them? They are bombs! Not a thing we would just go oh yeah that got lost somewhere... eh don't worry about where all we need to know is it's gone. Let Nemo worry about it we are above the water not our problem. 

Joe don't touch that... JOE NOOOOOOOOOOOOO....

Well Joe made that number go down. Only 91 more to go! I wounder if they could find them if the really try. A bomb tracker. A better way of finding them then poor Joe up there. The oceans I thought were not safe cause of the sharks but looks like worth things are in the water huh Joe. Scary! *hides under my couch where it is safe* Ahhhh better! :) 

Happy Swimming Readers,

The Fry