Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Art Of Using Movie Quotes

We all have our favorite quotes that we love to say from movies. I'll be back or I love the smell of napalm in the the morning. Though not all of us use them in the right time. I think it is a art to say the right movie quotes at the right time. Like well ain't that just special! or STOP or my MOM will shoot! Though I can't think of when I would get to use that one. It would be awesome though if I got that chance. I can see it now. My mom gunning down Joe Criminal. He would be so shock at small woman coming at him with a gun he wouldn't even have time to think what the heck... before BOOM!

I think my favorite quotes are from silly movies like Princess bride and Willow and others. :) No more rhymes now I mean it! Anybody got a peanut? An others like it... I have the song from mean in tights playing in my head now... We're men.. we're men in tights.. tight tights lol (not sure that they are spelled the same but forgive me here it is funny!)

I think I am going to spend the day figuring out what is the best time to use my favorite quotes. I wonder how many people will catch and know what movie it was from... this will be fun!

Have A Great Day Readers ... I'll Be Back,

The Fry

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