Friday, April 13, 2012

A Random Duck Dodge

Today was just one of them normal days. I was going to the store and not really anything special about that till out of the blue out of the bush in front of the bank. Coming right for me it was. I couldn't do a thing other then DUCK! As  mallard duck went and flew right at me. The sneaky duck almost got me!

How random is it to be walking was a Bank and see a duck fly out a bush at you? I was on the phone and all I could do was say... MALLARD! I mean what else are you going to say? I mean I have plans for just about everything that could happen... duck dodging bush hiding ducks though... that one I couldn't of guessed!

So I give this round to the dock cause he got me. I was at a loss for words for a min other then saying mallard. Then I got to thinking though... What was a duck doing at the bank? Was he there taking care of a bill? Cheesy maybe but come on what are the odds you could ever use that joke... Right? ... Right? lol

So to end this ... watch out for the random duck dodge. They could be in a bush or around the corner... or god knows where. Tricky Mallards I tell you! They must of learned it from dark wing duck or maybe duck dodgers? I wouldn't put it past either of them. Especially duck dodgers if he could show up bugs bunny.

They are watching you!    MALLARD!

Happy Ducking Readers,

The Fry