With that said what if I ran and didn't walk then couldn't I get out of the ticket by saying to the cop I was never walking? I think this could hold up in court. Might be worth testing but first I would have to be willing to pay for the cop calling me a smart arse and giving me a jaywalking ticket. Though I think the judge would see my side if I went to court to fight it. This could even be on the news. Woman Goes To Court To Prove Jayrunning Is Not Jaywalking! I could be famous and not just in my mind this time!
Also food for thought.. is it jaywalking or is it pattern walking if I walk in a pattern as I walk? I could also walk on my hands and that could be Handwalking.. not jaywalking... hmmm ... maybe!
Really though who came up with the name jaywalking. Did some idiot get hit by a car named jay... and they go well that's what jay gets. Could be that or maybe there was just a guy named Jay and he walked a lot where he should not be. People yelling WHERE IS THAT JAY WALKING THIS TIME! So they had to make it law to make Jay safe. I like that idea mhmm.
Either way rules are made to be broken and I will IGNORE the sign and like Areosmith would say.. WALK THIS WAY and cross that way. Try and catch me and I will jayrun! so nanner nanner boo boo! I got a new way to walk... walk walk! *walks across the road*
Safe Crossing The Roads Readers,
The Fry
I'll go ask Jay lol. In the meantime wittle fry go enjoy walking that way... Front page stuff lol I'll be watching for those headlines ;)
ReplyDeleteu seem to have got a sudden burst of ideas :P