Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Is That Paint Really Wet?

Have you ever thought how many things you just automatically take as true but the simplest things we question. To give a example. Why is it that when someone tells you that there's billions of stars in the universe you believe them. Yet when you a sign that tells you wet paint we have to touch it to be sure. It is like when you are a kid and your mom tells you NO TOUCH THAT. So you just have to sneak it when she looks away so you can have your own little victory. HA HA I touched it. An then other times well it didn't go so well and she was right. It always sucks to admit when they are right! 

Really though it is the same thing with so many things. Like don't stick your tongue on a 9V battery cause you will be shocked. I admit I did it and yep I got shocked. I will not say it was not cool... or that I never did it again but that's another story! Right now we are talking about things we trust without thinking and those we try our selves cause we just have to know! 

I wonder how many things like the stars I really take as fact without seeing and learning it for myself. What if I start to question more things and trying them? Will I learn a lot and have fun or go mad trying to learn everything and become just one big question... Wow so much thinking my head hurts! I can see smoke coming out of my ears! 

I think I will pick something to test and see if it is true. I promise nothing dangerous. I am no myth busters master. I just want to try some of the things that look cool. Maybe the how to make a soda bottle rocket... hehe that would be fun! BOOM! Plus no mommy here to tell me not to. HA HA! I am older now and I can do what I want *evil grin* 

Well go and have you some fun. Think of something you have taken as fact and always wanted to see for sure yourself. Just make sure it is something you can do safely! No loss of limbs today please! You don't want to end up like No Longer Leaping Larry the Kangaroo. Sad story that one! So be safe and have fun. I know I will!

Question An Try It All Readers,

The Fry