Friday, April 6, 2012

I Need To Train My Squirrels To...

Well I was thinking trained squirrels might be better then say a trained monkey even. See a trained monkey yes can do a lot but think of how fast a squirrel goes. It could clean a room in probably minutes instead of hours. Plus a squirrel is cheaper to feed. Banana's are way more costly then nuts. You could literally make them work for peanuts!

It would take time yes to make things that they could use to clean. Like a mini car that is a vacuum cleaner. Small squirrel sized dish towels and scrubbers... heck a sock on there tail for dusting think of all the small spots they could get to. Your house could be spotless for the cost of a few wittle nuts!

Plus they look so darn cute in their uniforms! I will let you know how it goes. Who knows in the future we might not have costly robots but a squirrel workforce of highly paid squirrels. Might make nuts for humans harder to get but I am willing to give them up to not have to clean. I think you will agree with me on that. Unless you are just nuts about your nuts. Then you might miss the shortage of peanuts and walnuts... an all the other nuts. I still say worth it for sure! 

Have A Nutty Day Readers,

The Fry