Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why Fuzzy Socks Are Always Better

I know this is pretty much self explanatory but I will make sure people know why they are better. Plus they are so awesome that they deserve their own blog. I don't buy really buy anything but fuzzy socks anymore. They are the only ones I want. So here is why.

They look awesome and look so cute! An they are warm and feel good on my feet. I feel like I am a little kid and it makes my toes happy little piggies. I sit and look at them and play with my feet. I can not look at my fuzzy socks and not grin.. They are fuzzy greatness! They also are good for running.. and sliding on floors. Just remember there is no breaks! I learned that they hard way... Then didn't care and did again... ZOOM >>>>> SPLAT into the wall. Still so very fun!

So go get you a pair today... Have you a happy feet moment!

I say today needs to be a holiday. Just for these awesome socks! I will call it Fuzzy Sock Day or Fuzzy Fun Day. What one do you like best? Let me know! 

Have a Fuzzy Fabulous Day Readers,

The Fry