Thursday, May 31, 2012

Storm Ate My Blog?

I know the excuse that the dog ate my homework rarely works but how about storm ate my my blog? I am sorry but it did! It would of been great if could of wrote it but nooooo

The net being down made me not able to blog. So yep storm ate my blog and sorry readers.

Watch Out For Blog Eaters Readers,

The Fry

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Few Songs To Make Ya Laugh

I really couldn't think tonight but I do have something to make you all laugh. Some great old funnies that I am sure most of you have never heard. I hope you enjoy them like I do! :)

Don't Monkey With Another Monkey's Monkey! 

She Loves The Monkey's Uncle! 

Momma Look A Boo Boo They Shout! 

Can't Roller Skate In A Buffalo Heard

Ain't Sitting Up With The Dead No More Since The Dead Started Sitting Up Too! 

AND Last But Not Least Before I End this........ 

Dang me! lol :) 

Enjoy The Tunes Readers, 

The Fry 

Monday, May 28, 2012

I Was Scared Of Storms Because Of Gutter Balls

A a kid you ask lots of questions. The years and years of asking why .. why.. why... why??? Well one of my my why question was one I am sure most kids at some point asks. It was why does it thunder, lightning and Rain. Well my mom told me that it was god bowling. The ran is when he is crying cause he having a bad game. An the thunder is when he yells about it then lightning was him throwing bowling balls down cause he tossed a gutter ball.

This was okay till I saw a bowling ball. Then I got to thinking... If I get hit with one in the head it would hurt! So for years I didn't want to get hit in the head with lightning and was cared of storms cause I thought it was bowling balls from god! That is one way to keep your kid from playing in the rain huh.

Turns out though I was not the only one scared by the seemingly harmless way to explain storms cause I found this.

All I could think when I seen this was... An I was only afraid of the ball... What about the pins... Its raining now... I WAS NOT SCARED ENOUGH!!! *dives under the bed* I wish god would stop bowling! An so does my doggie!

Watch Out For Falling Bowling Balls & PINS Readers,

The Fry

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Art Of Being A Klutz

Now most people would say they have days that they are not graceful at all. They even think that they are clumsy but really to be a full klutz.. That takes talent! I mean anyone can fall or get a ouchie every now and then but I am talking like the girl in the movie Good Luck Chuck kind of accidents. That is a rare and awesome talent. I know there is a few other movies and I will try to grab some clips for you here. Starting with one from Good Luck Chuck.

Or like Him... Pure Lucky btw Awesome movie!

To be that unlucky is a talent. On that I have. So I will sit here with my ice packs and relax till the medicine make it all better again. lol 

Be Safe & No Ouchies Readers,

The Fry

Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Peaceful Thought Of A Calming Waterfall

Taking a step back from the funny side of me tonight to do something a little different. I know I am goofy a lot but some days I just want to be calm and just let my mind rest. It is like sitting by a waterfall on a calm fall day. Not to hot and all the pretty color leaves all around you. The sound of the water just flowing so much going on. Yet you can almost focus just on the sound of the water. Nothing else but that sound till you are drifting away with it.

This is one of the only things that can slow me down and calm my mind when things are jumbled and I am just trying so hard to keep up and do so much. I know I have said I will do a blog a day but I find myself as it is is growing wanting to do so much more with it and my site. From my silly thoughts to my peaceful thoughts of walking and waterfalls. Just being outside and seeing things as well as the funny.

Just picture it sitting there for hours just forgetting everything else or sharing it with someone special. Really I think it is one of the few things that people don't take enough time to do. Just go and enjoy what is out there. We so often are in big cities and only rarely go and see beautiful things and moments on vacations. I would take back all the things I have said about small towns ever being boring as a kid to have more moments to wander the woods and see amazing sites like this. An get lost in them just enjoying the moment. 

Life speeds up and work sometimes gets in the way of doing that. Yet maybe.. just maybe I will be able to find my way back to those moments I used to have and have them again. That would be my dream job. The take in the little things. Write and take pictures of them and share them with the world. An maybe just maybe show someone exactly what they are missing out by only being in the city and not taking the time to see a beautiful peaceful waterfall or place like that one. I pray that as we build bigger and bigger cities wonders like waterfalls never go away. Store bought is all well and good but nothing is ever like the real thing. Just close your eyes and picture yourself there and be at peace. 

Have A Peaceful & Beautiful Day Readers,

The Fry

A Vacation To See A Famous Grave... Of A Cow

I was listening to music looking for inspiration and nothing was coming to me in the serious songs so I started to dig to the funnies... Granted there is a lot of funny songs. I can think of 20 artists off the top of my head. Then I got to Weird Al and those were the good old days... but that was not it. Then i looked to the left and there it was... The perfect idea! ... yes it was....

That's right .. its.. The Biggest Ball Of Twine In Minnesota! I looked and it is actually true there is a biggest ball of twine it is in Darwin, Minnesota. So I was yay and was going to say here we go to the twine but then I thought... NO! It has been done... Then there it was when I went looking... I have to go one day...

I want to see Elsie the Cow's Grave. She is the famous Bordon's Cow that is still a icon today. Before Joe Camel, before the Energizer Bunny, there was Elsie. Elsie was the spokes animal for Borden Milk, and she became a real cow in 1939. As one of there cows renamed at the worlds fair to be Elsie after fans started to ask if there was a real Cow ... You'll Do Lobelia became Elsie! 

She is still on the cartons today! 

I Am In The MOOOOOd To Travel Readers,

The Fry

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nobody Better Lay A Finger On...

I know the saying in the commercial is nobody better lay a finger on my butter finger...

 but I am not that big of a fan really. I know shocking cause i love peanut butter and all but really I just don't into them. They don't make me all yay! I got to have this now! You know what I mean the all excited feeling you get when you finally get to the store all Happy and ...

Then you get it home or sometimes even cant wait to get there. It is like you just were given gold. ITS MINE!!! MINE ALL MINE!! An you cant have any feeling as you sneak away unable to contain the grin!

Oh it is the best feeling you cant help but go YAYYYY with your hands together all excited like a little kid! Well for me that is this... 

That is right readers you better not lay a finger on my Old Wisconsin Snack sticks... or I will poke you with one till you bruised or at least very irritated.. cause they are MINEEEEEEE!!! 

Time For A Snack Readers,

Th Fry

Suspicious Squirrel Is Watching

 He is gonna figure it all out.. This squirrel is a spy. He is watching you! 

Better Hide Readers,

The Fry

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sorry Readers...

I know I should been here to post but I had a bad long night.. An I fell asleep after it but I woke up and I am gonna give you a few funnies that well maybe you don't know or never heard?

Their Coming To Take ME AWAY... HA HA! 


Star Treckin Across The Universe... Only Going Forward Cause We Cant Find Reverse

Well Away I Go .. In my Rusty Chevy... 

See Ya Tomorrow Readers,

The Fry

Monday, May 21, 2012

Poor Chickens! Chickens Have Feelings Too!

Why do we try so hard to make chickens fly in chicken contest? Seriously if chickens wanted to fly so much they would do it more on their own. I don't know many chickens that stand there and wait to be grabbed to be tossed in the air and then panic try to fly before they crash the ground! I would run too if I knew that was coming! Run Chickens ... RUNNNNNNN!

An what do they do when the catch the poor chickens! 

Toss them in the air and make them try to fly. Look at that chicken! Do they look happy? NO! Why do pigs get toys in England and be happy. An cows can go to California and be happy but what is there for the Chickens!?!?

We are so mean to chickens. We make them fly. We lock them up. We steal there eggs and we make fun them. Sure chickens run in fear. If this was how you had to live would you be happy... NOPE! Poor chickens. 

Now time to go eat... I think I will have KFC.... Don't judge me! 

Cluck Cluck Readers,

The Fry 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I Have Solved The Missing Sock Mystery!

You know when you do your wash. Knowing full well the sock was there to match the other one. An all of a sudden mid washing the disapear? An why is it only when they are being washed or dried? Not when you have them in the basket? Or eaven in your drawers?

Well I now know the answer to this great question that has drove people nuts for years!

The are wittle on footed hopping sock stealing little people. The live in your closet and like to live in old pairs of shoes that you forget about. Thats why neat freaks rarely lose that one sock see cause well no god place to live!

Now for the why steal them from the wash. Well that adds to the mystery and makes us confused. Every perfect crime needs to was the trail away. What better way then a washing machine!

Plus the need to srink them to the right size and the machines are not perfectly silent as of yet... They are getting better as we get quieter washers though to keep up... A well the sound hides the sound of them srinking one of your favorite socks.

One way to solve this and make them move out would be habd washing all socks. That would be a time saver or think if it as a donation to lil people that need them for there feet.

Either way mystery solved!

Closed Case Readers,

The fry

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Having Squirrels Is Never Easy..

I have a bunch of squirrels and well feeding them takes a lot of nuts. I make trips to get the nuts and well sometimes people hit the breaks and then I got acorns falling all over my car. I don't like it at all! Then I got to thinking while I was driving. You ever see them baby on board or transporting hazardous materials? Well why not caution transporting nuts. That would be helpful and lets face it FUNNY! I am a nut after all so it would always be true. So ....

So if you see this sign please be careful! I am moving some acorns or it is just this Nut driving. Either way well watch out! Plus if you were like me and would like this for your car ... Well click this here link and keep them nuts safe! 

Then there is also the when you are taking your squirrels I will work on making a Squirrel On Board sticker or thing to hang in a window that will be on my website store soon! :D After all we have to keep these little guys safe! Nothing better then a pet squirrel... 

Sammy Thanks You For Reading,

The Fry

Friday, May 18, 2012

Aliens Made Me Do It!

What did the aliens make me do...

 They made me eat a whole snickers pie! Now I am too full to think ... DANG ALIENS! but mmmmmm Snickers pie! Eat Snickers Pie NOW!

You know you want some! Don't deny it you are looking at it like YUM YUM YUM THAT'S MINE! 

Eat Snickers Pie Readers,

The Abducted Fry

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Who Stole The Cookies From The Cookie Jar?

Well do you know who took them cause I DO! I caught him! 

He ate them all too the little sneak! Just goes to show you one thing though you better hide your cookies better or he will get them... Him or the cookie monster! :D 

Keep Your Cookies Safe Readers,

The Fry

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Just Got To Wonder...

Do pink elephants fly north for winter to avoid the birds in the south? I think yes dont you?

Better Elephants Then Pigs Readers,

The Fry

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Website Is Born

I have decided I want to do more then just write and with the great readers I have I want to do more then just a blog a day. So I have made my website and I am taking it that much farther. I am excited like a kid with cake!

So join me in celebrating and the changes over the next few days. There will be small but it will make moving from blog to website to youtube flawless and maybe make it more fun for you readers! :)

Go Check It Out & Sign The Guestbook Readers,

The Fry

Monday, May 14, 2012

When Your blog Is Supposed To Be Random... BUT

Well I know this is supposed to be a random blog but for some reason it seems to be turning into a blog about crazy fun with animals. This is not planned i swear. I guess that means I am a animal person.....

Or there is evil ninja turtles or.. beavers... badgers... otters... maybe a few gerbils? Behind me making them all about animals... But it couldn't be that. After all that would be crazy? Riiiiight?

Yep crazy that it is true .... HELP THEY ARE...................... 

You Saw Nothing Readers,

The Animals.... I Mean... The Fry 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!

As it is Mothers Day I will not be writing and taking the day to rest the brain and put my feet up and really relax. :) It's been a great day and hope yall have had a good one too!

See Ya Soon Readers,

The Fry

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Cricket Caught Red Handed!

The ants were happy ants. Lots of leaves for them to take and eat. They were good little ants for sure.

Then one day the leaves where gone! They only had a few left and they were saving them. They searched for them high and low... 

They were so confused as to where the leaves had gone that they were going in circles them poor little ants! 

Then one of them thought we have a thief that is what is happening so they set a trap. Them crafty ants did. They were going to catch the person taking there leaves!

Then the next day sure enough came the cricket.... 

An as he went for the leaf and touched it... BOOM! red paint shot out the bottom an caught the cricket red handed! 

The took him out and went back to the happy days of leaves for every ant big or small. They taught that cricket a lesson for sure! 


Don't Be Caught Red Handed Readers,

The Fry 

Who Would Win At Chess... The Hippopotamus or Elephant?

I was thinking what to write I now I am late. I wish I was a elephant that never forgets but then again I am more like the hippo that does things when they get to it. Also very stubborn like one too!

Then hit me random thought what would happen if it was hippo verses elephant playing a game like say chess. Who would win? I thought this out as a pondered and looked for a pic to really get the picture of what would look like. So you tell me. Give it a look and decide who would you bet on in the chess battle championship?

My answer was well thought out and I googled too... I now cheating but there is a Hippopotamus Defense move that clearly proves that the Hippo is the true chess winner. So my answer is HIPPO WINS! 

I Promise To Not Forget & Be More Of A Elephant Readers,

The Fry 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Redneck Water Skiing Is A Great Sport

Some would call it hard to water ski. I would say that is actually pretty easy. Now Redneck water skiing is a art. It is done with things that art not meant for water skiing. Like sleds, recliners on boards and anything around that you can think of at the time. People call rednecks slow thinkers but really that is bull. They are crafty people that can have fun with just about anything!

As a Example....

That cant be easy and took some thinking to even think of trying that! I call that smart mhmmm! 

Just be careful you don't end up like my friend skeet... they were using a sled and pulling behind a truck and well.. SMACK! right into a pier. OUCH! 

Safe Skiing Readers,

The Fry

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why You Should Never Let Kids Watch Zombie Movies

A picture is worth a thousand words. An this one says it all..

Poor Kitty! 

Don't Let Your Kids Watch Zombie Movies Readers,

The Fry

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Bed Is Going To Make Me 300 Pounds!

So I know you are at this point going what in the world? Are you just going to lay there and eat till you cant move woman? The answer is NO! I am not but I got to tell you about this. I really think if I let it my bed will make me huge!

See the back to this is I had a really crappy bed. I mean the worst! It made my back, neck and well you get the picture it sucked! It was like sleeping on a bed made of rocks like...

That would suck to have that as a bed. I know though my mattress as it was.. was not far from that! It was just downright evil ouch! I did not like it. I looked around to find a good bed mattress as the box spring was great and thought it cant be all that much. Well after sticker shocking myself for hours I finally went to Target! I found a nice mattress topper on clearance marked down at that! I know they are not online seen the same but still even online 61 dollars is a steal! So I will put the link to it.... NOW...
Check it out! I am telling you just wow!!! My sleep is so much better! I loves it I loves it. 

Now finally to the blog name... well see I didn't read like a goof ball and I got one that is a fresh sent. An now I wake to the smell of MINT! Omg it makes me crave some mint candies like a junkie needing a fix. Its insane how much I want a mink chocolate candy... or maybe mint chocolate brownies. See! Its gonna make me big. I just know it. So if you are going to get one be ready to deal with the overwhelming wake up wanting to have mint candy. Just to warn but you will sleep great! :D 

Rest Well Readers,

The Fry

When Your Blog Is Late... Sometimes It Is Not Your Fault

Tonight I am 24 mins late starting this. I screamed.. I yelled... I even called it mean names! It would not work. So I gave up till it started working again! Well it didn't so I am on borrowed time on a computer that is not mine. So I am blogging a short but sweet blog about ... well not having net and yelling at my net! It really must be run by a evil turtle... an I bet his name is Timmy!

This is all I am going to write cause I be about out of the time and if you don't like that it is short well.. I sorry but... well...

Yep I think...

An if you got something to say about that :P well .... 


Really though forgive me the late today and tomorrow I will do one early! So this will hopefully not happen again. 

Time To Go Monkey With My Net Readers,

The Fry

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Don't You Hate It When.. Your Closet Just Explodes

I was faced with the problem that happens to me a lot today again. The thing I needed to get to was in the closet. Where in the closet you wonder? Well I was wondering that too! I looked in all the visible places in the closet and of course it could not be that easy.

Nope it had to be somewhere deep in the over packed small but stuffed closet. An of course it was something I need right then so no time to do this slow and neat so .... BOOM!

The clothes few to the left and the rest to the right and standing on the chair that rocks pulling stuff down. IT WAS AND IS A MESS! I found what I wanted though. YAY! Now for the clean up and to be honest I would rather REALLY make it explode rather then clean this crap up but I know me. My face would get the evil grin going.. 

And I would use way to much....

And then it would look like...

All because I didn't want to clean. I would be better off cleaning it myself... or... how much do maids cost again? hmmm ...

Taking Donations For A Maid Readers Thank You,

The Fry 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I Swear It Came Out Of Nowhere!!

Everyone knows that when someone gets in a accident the first thing they say is that came out of nowhere! I didn't see it till it was to late. So many excuses for why they happen. Even the just screw up. This one though has me going how in the heck?

Ever been just driving along and...

We were just driving along and out of nowhere BAM! STOVE! How do you explain that one to the insurance company? Yes have you ever heard the saying it is raining cats and dogs? Well today it was stoves instead lol. Maybe it was a hit and run? Tossed it at the car and ran and they will never know??? I think so. 

Then they went looking for suspects and one was found. They chased him down and got him cornered. 

He was innocent and let go after questioning but I still say he knew something! Oh well the true stove criminal is still at large. May be devil squirrel? I did see him plotting. 

Never trust a squirrel... or a bunny. Just have to add that though no bunnies were seen at the crash. 

Watch Out For Stoves & Drive Safe Readers,

The Fry

Friday, May 4, 2012

Hospital Blog Via The Cell

Going to the hospital is never fun but as you sit there and wait. Watch people moving all aroud you. You start to think of things to pass the time. Like looking up and seeing the light and thinking of grabbing it and shining at people.

I got the perfect excuse for why to. Just trying to brighten up their day! It was nice of me... Dont you think if I brighten up their day?

The other thing I dont get are the signs stools only for docs.

Am I not worthy to sit on the magic srool. They look so fun. Selfish doctors That has to be it! They just dont want to share the fun... Yep!

Well meds kicking in weeeeeeeee. night night!

Don't Be A Selfish Doctor & Share Readers,

The Fry

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Black Hole

The black hole is a mystery. You cant see into it and I wonder what is in it. Yet the thought of a black hole and what is in can be a lot of fun to ponder. Or just a blank back page and think up everything you can on it. I get asked where I come up with these things I write about. Well sometimes it starts with something just this simple.

I just loo at the black empty space and think what would be funny and what do I see. This happens a lot on days that are busy and funny idea doesn't come instant. Now what am I getting when I loo at it tonight??

He is not gonna be any ones dinner this year! HA HA! Rambo turkey is coming for YOU! 

So take a few mins and look at the black hole there and what do you see when you do? Let your mind go crazy ya might be amazed what you think. :) 

Look Out For Rambo Turkey Readers,

The Fry