Monday, April 30, 2012

When In Doubt Go Crazy

When you are without something to do and really bored... Just do something crazy.

It's a rule so it has to be done. So what crazy thing would you do? Would you run with the bulls? Get a clown wig and run through a mall screaming the elephants are coming? THEY ARE COMING!!! RUNNN!!! I wonder what that would look like? A elephant lose in the mall. They might just sit on people if they get tired. I don't think they would even feel it? Then again it might be ouch like when you sit just wrong on your keys. hmmmmm SQUISHHHHH!

He looks pretty happy to me to be sitting on him. All I need is a elephant, a clown wig and a busy mall and my test would be good. An of course I would have to YouTube it. Yep! 

Watch Out For Elephants On The Lose Readers,

The Fry

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Something To Ponder

Tonight I thought to make you read less and give you instead something to ponder or a few things to ponder. The First being... 

Will he ever get the training wheels off? 


Is he a rich chicken? 

Stuff to ponder for sure... hmmm... I say both answers are YES! An what will happen if the chicken pays for the orangutan to get a bigger bike? An then he can go where ever he wants and teaches other! This could be trouble I know it. IF these 2 are allowed to get together.. Ponder this and see what you come up with. This was my answer. Whats yours?

Watch Out For Bike Riding Orangutans With Rich Chick Sponsors,

The Fry

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Avoiding Blogging When You Have To Blog... Leads To Fry Being A Pot Head

As a blogger I get days that I just don't feel up to a blog. It makes me have writers block and I would rather have 1,000 angry monkeys hit me with bananas then blog. So how to avoid thinking about blogging? You go for a walk. You clean the house. Even do the dreaded laundry!

I would rather have to wash dishes for a famous busy restaurant in NY then do a blog tonight. Not that I don't love to blog and write and be silly but sometimes you just don't wanna. Need a night off without the panic of last minute blogging!

So I sat and looked at my feet and thought I done feet blogging but I should do my nails and make them pretty purple. That took awhile to do. Then I went back to thinking and I wanted a pizza. So I had to go eat but the blog about pizza had been done so that helped me avoid having to write longer. Then I watched a move but I did a blog about that too!

So when all else fails then you avoid till the last minute. Talk to people and ask what do you think. Even talk to the frogs or maybe dogs? Hey if it works I will even talk to the wall to get a blog for y'all to read the next day. I am just that sure I don't want to fail at this.

Tonight though I want to blog about nothing while I do nothing and sit here with pot on my head and make you laugh that way then blog... as a matter of fact.

So there it is ... your funny for the night... I am a Pot Head! An I didn't Have to think about blogging or blog to do it. I am that good. It is fun to not think and do nothing!

Have Fun Doing Nothing Readers,

The Fry

Friday, April 27, 2012

It Is Rude To Stare... But FUN!

Have you ever randomly go someplace like a mall and look at people. Just look at them till they go past you. Maybe toss in a random funny face or funny saying? Like walking past someone stick your tongue out and say you will not get me ZOMBIE! Then there is the the classic no I do not chose you... So many more.

Maybe I should come up with some new ones like that is my shirt give it back! Then stare as they run away. maybe toss a penny at them and go dance! ... DO IT! Think that might get me locked up in a padded room? IF it does that could be fun. I have always wanted to bounce around in a padded room. I wonder how much air time could get bouncing of of the padded walls? If it is a lot that would be AWESOME!

For now though I will stick to just looking at people and making them wonder why. So much fun! What if animals were watching me? When I am looking at them they are looking at me? hmmm *look nervous around me* AHHHHHH!!!!

I knew it they are after my plans to take over the world!!! HIDE ME! I need someplace to hide. Any ideas? 

They Are Watching You Readers,

The Fry

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Finally Proof Dolphins Are Evil

I have said for years that dolphins are aliens and bats are there pet minions. I think I have finally got proof! See the way I see it is that dolphins and bats have sonar. Well come on why are they the only ones that have that? I mean wouldn't it make sense that if they are from here they would see and everything like us? Then there is the fact that dolphins save lives blah blah blah and very smart. I think they pick and chose who to save so they keep the heat off them. 

See it is the ones that they DON'T save that tells the truth cause those people seen to much I bet. Then the dolphins made them swim with the fishes for good. I wonder how it works though if there is like a Don Dolphin? Like the head of the family that controls all the Dolphin trouble on earth. He would be one powerful Dolphin! 

The bats are the land spy minions cause they need to know if people are on to them. That's why they seem to sleep in the day time. They are listening in as the dolphins are plotting away in the water to take over the world. It makes perfect sense. 

An the reason I see this as fact for sure now is... Dolphins sleep with 1 eye open! Why would they do that if they didn't have stuff to hid and not plotting away with their evil plans. I am telling you they are up to no good!

I will never go swimming with them. Poor fools that do probably been given a mind control drug or something to make them not see what is going on. yep yep... evil! 

Evil Evil Evil! I KNEW IT!

Safe Swimming Readers,

The Fry

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I Want A Smart Car

There is so many reasons I do. All the good reason like it is better for gas and all the going green goodness. Yet I really want it cause it is cute and I can go lots of places without being broke! Gas prices are insane right now. I want to invent time travel just to go back for the cheaper gas. I will go and buy a bunch of gold and go back melt it down and be rich! :D Live like a queen!

It would have to be a smart car time machine. I wouldn't want to leave it behind but I would not tell anyone how it was made. hmm or invent a way to cloak... crap nvm that will not work. I guess I am not going to time travel after all. I do want to try this though some day with it.

That would be so much fun. To water ski behind it like that. Maybe could flood like a parking lot and try it? I could think of all sorts of ways. That looks like it was a flooded road. Fun times for sure :) Then I could get my dog into it too and watch her ski a little like this... 

That puppy has some style for sure. He is just chilling riding the board. Wonder how long it took them to figure out how and train him to ride like that. So cute! :D 

Well I kind of wandered off topic but those are the reasons I want my smart car. I want it to be purple and it will be MINE MINE MINE! 

Happy Driving Readers,

The Fry

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

One Month Of Fun

Well I have made it a full month writing for you readers. I have had a blast doing it! Hopefully you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have making them. I would like to pick a favorite one for the first month and I would have to say it is the I Want A Pet Zombie one that I loved. It lead to many more and made me laugh. I don't think my log page title would of happened without that one. So that is my favorite.

Now as for the blog today. I just want to take a minute and say Thank you! For almost reaching 2,000 views in the first month. For a new blogger that is awesome and I couldn't of done it without my readers :D I think I am going to celebrate with some chocolate milk. Get chocolate wasted and relax. I think my mind has in need of a day off.

So for some funnies to thank you for coming today... I give you I WANT TO GET CHOCOLATE WASTED!

Gotta love it! 

So to all my great readers have a happy night. I know I will and I will be back tomorrow. Everyday I get a little more confident in my writing and it come easier. This is only the start and I hope I never find the end to this fun! :D 

Cheer Readers,

The (Chocolate Wasted) Fry

Monday, April 23, 2012

Never Trust A Squirrel... You Could End Up A Zomebie

You can't trust squirrels. I mean think about it they steal nuts. They make a mess. They tease your dog and they make them chase them. There is not much about a squirrel that is not trouble. Yes they look cute but so can I and I am not gonna say I am not trouble sometimes. That would be a fib for sure! This is what happened to my doggie... I poor squirrel chasing doggie!

I knew reason not to trust the little furry creatures. They got me and my dog. I took her outside to take a walk and that was it. So BE CAREFUL! They could make you a zombie too! You could not outrun a squirrel and neither could your dog. What if you didn't see the dog get bit? Then you would be in real trouble! How would you out run your dog? Well could you? Could you outrun your doggie? I am thinking no... Cause you know I didn't and couldn't! Would you be more lucky?

Well now that I am a zombie got any brains? I am hungry! BRAAAAAAAIIIIIINNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't Trust Those Squirrels Readers,

The Zombie Fry

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I Found Out Where The Monkey's Hang Out

They hang out on the monkey bars. That just proves that all children are monkeys by the way cause they love the monkey bars too. I know mine does... and she loves bananas too! The little monkey. We went to the park today and what do you know we couldn't play on the monkey bars. Too many monkeys there already. I am not talking kids... real monkeys!

I get monkeys deserve to have fun. After all pigs in England get toys. So why not monkeys get the monkey bars too play on... but they could share! Selfish little monkeys don't want to let anyone play with them. They are so picky. I tired to bribe them into moving away but no good. They were not hungry. they had just ate a bushel full of them. 

So we gave up and went home. Then I got thinking if kids hang out on the monkey bars... and adults we hang out in real bars... where to do the adult monkeys hang out. So when I got home I Googled it. An i got a answer! 

A monkey bars bar who would of thunk it! them darn drunken monkeys. They make a mean drunk so I think I will stay away even though I am of age. I like happy nice drunks. Not mean monkeys! So if you don't like mean monkeys. Stay away from the monkey bars bar. 

Happy Swinging Readers,

The Fry

The Art Of Using Movie Quotes

We all have our favorite quotes that we love to say from movies. I'll be back or I love the smell of napalm in the the morning. Though not all of us use them in the right time. I think it is a art to say the right movie quotes at the right time. Like well ain't that just special! or STOP or my MOM will shoot! Though I can't think of when I would get to use that one. It would be awesome though if I got that chance. I can see it now. My mom gunning down Joe Criminal. He would be so shock at small woman coming at him with a gun he wouldn't even have time to think what the heck... before BOOM!

I think my favorite quotes are from silly movies like Princess bride and Willow and others. :) No more rhymes now I mean it! Anybody got a peanut? An others like it... I have the song from mean in tights playing in my head now... We're men.. we're men in tights.. tight tights lol (not sure that they are spelled the same but forgive me here it is funny!)

I think I am going to spend the day figuring out what is the best time to use my favorite quotes. I wonder how many people will catch and know what movie it was from... this will be fun!

Have A Great Day Readers ... I'll Be Back,

The Fry

Friday, April 20, 2012

Do You Ever Get The Feeling Your Dog Understands Everything You Say?

I was playing with my dog the other day. An well as you know dogs don't exactly have the best breath. So when we were playing he kinda got in my face and I went EWWWW! I moved his head away nicely but quick enough and then laughed and said when doggie brush last. It was bad I was even thing of buying him doggie breath mints just to help him.

The next few days he seemed to be watching me really closely in the morning. I thought just cause he was really needing to go outside. I mean wouldn't that be what you think if your dog was watching you in the morning getting ready before you too it out? Well I was wrong! 

I got up went to work and then I had to run home early to get something. There in the middle of the floor was my doggie. Brushing his teeth.

 He looked up and smiled right at me and i got down to bet him and laughed his breath minty fresh I tell you. I must have hit a nerve and now he brushes them at least twice a day! An all the girl doggies love him. He is a regular Doggie Casanova now I tell ya. 

Just goes to show you man or beast its better to tell them the harsh truth then sugar coat things and end up with yucky dog breath in the face! 

Happy Brushing Readers,

The Fry

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I Just Wanted To Make Them Blue

Well you cant say that my daughter is not creative. I was just doing normal stuff around the house. Nothing really out the normal so will not go in details. When I realized things were to quiet. If you are a parent you know what I mean. It is the silence that sets off a feeling that the little one is up to no good. A quiet child is one up to no good.

I was right but I had a hard time not laughing! To explain why I have to start with the search. I looked all around the house for her. Not in her room, not in mine, porch, living room or kitchen. Open the bathroom door and there is my daughter. With a proud grin on her face ready to show me her grand idea! In her hand is a white sock. Holding it right in the toilet water.

I was stunned at first then she points to the edge of the tub. Look Mommy! I made them all blue! There on the edge of the tub was about a dozen used to be white socks that are now blue from toilet water. Lined up all nice and neat to dry. I wanted to laugh so bad and wanted to yell at the same time laugh. I think I did a little of DON'T DO THAT! Then a little laughing as she looked so sad and told her it was okay but why it was wrong. She said sorry mommy I just wanted to have them be pretty blue socks.

Then I got to thinking what made her even think of this idea in the first place so I asked. She said well we made the Easter Eggs pretty with the color water so I was trying to do the same with my socks. It worked see! Pointing at her socks still drying. I had to laugh. It was kind of my doing in a way so no punishment. I explained the difference so I didn't find anything else colored blue with toilet water and then took her pretty blue socks and put them in the wash.

We went to the store after and got her blue socks that were pretty and already blue. Now she is a happy and running around in her new pretty blue socks.

Even the name of the socks were fitting that she picked out. Happy Socks for a happy little girl. Just goes to show you random things can happen all the time. An most of the time they end with a happy ending. 

Hope You & Your Feet Have A Happy Day Readers,

The Fry 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Never.. EVER.. Forget The Bananas!

I was trying to think of what was going to write tonight. I went all over just wandering. At a loss I gave up and just went to the last stop of my shopping trip. So distracted I went and grabbed all that I thought I needed. I went home put the stuff away then went about cooking dinner. No silly ideas coming to me at all!

I took the laptop onto the porch with my timer for my dinner. Hoping relaxing in the fresh air would make my thing clear. I searched the great world of Google looking for ideas. I laughed sure at some of it but it has been done or too close to what I had done before that I just couldn't do it! I was so into my cooking that I didn't even see it coming. Then it was too late!

Evil closet money had went looking into the kitchen and I forgot to get something. See Evil Closet Monkeys like Betty are okay as long as you don't forget their Bananas! I sadly have forgotten to get hers. So when I turned around back to go back inside get my dinner when the timer dinged I was faced with this!

The Evil Monkey pointed the gun at me and said guess who's time is up! Needless to say I had to rush out for bananas and I have learned my lesson. Next time she said no 2nd chances! So advice to all of you with Evil Monkeys like Betty. NEVER... EVER!!! Forget the Bananas! That was a close one. Wowsers I tell ya! 

Go Bananas Readers,

The Fry

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Department Store Shenanigans

Have you ever had time to kill and wandered a department store playing? I love doing that! I go to the toy isles and I push all of the buttons that look interesting. Most of the time till I hit one of them that is really loud or get all going then I hurry away like it was not me!

Then there is the other stuff like taking all the toaster oven timers. Set them all for 10 minutes and walk away. Watch the time on your watch and then go back. Not to the same isle but near enough. Then watch and wait and people jump when they all go off at once hehe. Little things that amuse myself. An running around in the chair trying to run over people or finding stuff to play with and be silly.

I tried on some hats. All kinds of goofy ones. I never really find any that I like to wear I think I own 2 hats that I can stand on me. Yet this time a shocker I found one I liked who would of thought it? So I have to say yep my on purchase was the hat.

Time to go fishing yup! yeeeehawwww!!!! :D An then after I got done and all then I set the chair for the exit and away I went... Did I run someone over? Did I escape? Maybe I crashed? Watch and find out! 

Remember to watch out in the store. You never know when I will come racing down the isles! 

Happy Shopping Readers, 

The Fry

Monday, April 16, 2012

Saying Hello Randomly To Nothing Makes People Nervous

I was wandering back from getting my mail today to my apartment. I was just humming to myself then I was being silly and was talking different ways. Then I started to say Hello. Looking different ways and at trees and bushes. Yes I was not alone and there was people looking at me. That just made it more fun! A few of them seemed truly scared of me!

So to make it even more weird and funny I tossed in a bit of a limp. That got more looks... I giggled as i got in the building then. So much fun what else could i do? I tossed in a huge grin... the limp.. and the weird hellos to nothing at all. Then walked by the pool area full of people. They went silent looking around me and completely fascinated and wondering what the heck I was doing!

It was great and my neighbors will probably never look at me the same. They will be thinking oh good the poor girl must have been off her medications and is better now. As they pull there kids 10 feet the other way from me. he he

So worth it! So Next time you go someplace with people give it a try. Make a funny walk. Grin till your face hurts. Then make yourself a funny HELLO and see what people do. Leave em guessing about you. Just remember there is a few times where that would not good... but must would be okay though.

So off to talk to my wall before I go to sleep. I know that wall hears me! I might be talking into its bad ear though. I will talk louder! Maybe this time it will answer. *crosses my fingers* Here is hoping I do!

Night Walls, Trees, Bushes, Invisible People & My Sane Readers,

The Fry

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Stuffed Animals Like My Singing... I Think

So tonight I was listening to my music and felt like singing. I didn't want to be a nut and sing alone to myself though. That might get me called nuts! an I don't want that now do I? So I did the smart thing when one is home alone with no one else. I grabbed the stuffed animals and the dog of course. That was the logical thing to do in that situation.

So I set them all up then grabbed the hair brush. Everyone knows they make the best home microphones. Nothing does as good a job. Turned on Pandora Radio and thought for a minute. So many choices but I went with... 80's Monster Ballads! Some Chicago, Skid Row (I Remember You god I remember these songs) Cinderella, Bryan Adams (Summer Of 69' awesome song), Bon Jovi, Ozzy Osbourne, Bad English (one of my favorite songs ever When I See You Smile) and many others. 

An my stuffed animals just seemed to love it! I mean they didn't look away at all they looked so happy with my little concert for them. I even tried to take some requests but they just looked at me. Obviously they trusted my choices in the choosing. Had to be that. I mean look at them they just seem so happy. Right?

Yep they were getting into it for sure. The little Froggie Fran she was all YAY and doing the wave even. It was great they love me! So I sang a few more then I noticed I had 1 person that was not amused or into it. Every party has a pooper and her is mine!

Its okay she just doesn't know what good is the little party pooper. Yet she is cute so I forgive her and blame the thundershirt! It made her sleepy. Not my singing. It couldnt be that could it? Nawwww :) 

Happy Singing Readers,

The Fry

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Night Flying Is Fun

Today we are going to try something a little different. So grab you popcorn and get ready. Here we go! 

I was at the store and looking around. I tend to wander randomly. A lot like I do when I am writing. That's really just how I'm as random as a leaf... or a kite ;) in the wind. So as I was walking I saw kites! I got excited and I wanted one of them. I had to look at them all then I noticed mini kites! How cool is that. It is exactly 4.5 inches and it is so cute. You will see that i a minute and I think agree.

So I bought the kite and took it home. I was all excited I just had to fly it. An really some days you just have to fly a kite! The feeling like a little kid giggling and getting ready. I will admit this one not the best flying strait kite I have ever had and well we were urban night flying so that changes things up a little too. Yet it was so fun! It had a hard time staying in the air with the wind blowing all ways around the buildings but I did my best! 

Now here is time for the TWIST. We have a pic as is normal but... today we also have VIDEO! So here we go. The Night Flying Fish Kite. I named it Bug Eye. I think it fits don't you? 

Well as you can see I had a blast night flying and the little kites are so cool! I will say I would recommend getting one. Just find a better place to fly it. I know I will be out looking for a good spot to fly it soon. An get some day flying it. After all it is never a bad idea to fly a kite and sometimes you just have to. I know I did. 

Happy Kite Flying Readers,

The Fry

Friday, April 13, 2012

A Random Duck Dodge

Today was just one of them normal days. I was going to the store and not really anything special about that till out of the blue out of the bush in front of the bank. Coming right for me it was. I couldn't do a thing other then DUCK! As  mallard duck went and flew right at me. The sneaky duck almost got me!

How random is it to be walking was a Bank and see a duck fly out a bush at you? I was on the phone and all I could do was say... MALLARD! I mean what else are you going to say? I mean I have plans for just about everything that could happen... duck dodging bush hiding ducks though... that one I couldn't of guessed!

So I give this round to the dock cause he got me. I was at a loss for words for a min other then saying mallard. Then I got to thinking though... What was a duck doing at the bank? Was he there taking care of a bill? Cheesy maybe but come on what are the odds you could ever use that joke... Right? ... Right? lol

So to end this ... watch out for the random duck dodge. They could be in a bush or around the corner... or god knows where. Tricky Mallards I tell you! They must of learned it from dark wing duck or maybe duck dodgers? I wouldn't put it past either of them. Especially duck dodgers if he could show up bugs bunny.

They are watching you!    MALLARD!

Happy Ducking Readers,

The Fry

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sometimes You Just Gotta Hide Under The Bed

Everyone has to have a little me time. You might just go for a walk. Or take a long shower or bath. Maybe finding a quiet corner with a good book could do it. I for one say go hide under the bed. I mean dogs do it in thunderstorms and monster are under there. So the monsters can keep way all the bad. Maybe that's why dogs run under there to visit with the monsters? It could be true... Maybe! I would be so shocked if I got a flashlight and looked under there. Seen the classic dogs playing poker but with monsters. I wonder if monsters cheat at cards?

I don't think I had monsters under the bed as a kid. If I did I must have gotten over it cause I slept under the bed more then once. I did it to try to hide from my mom and get out of going to school. It never worked. Even when I left her a note saying sick don't wake me cant go to school. Never feel for my ploys! It must be a mom thing cause I still think those ideas were brilliant! 

Really though I think next time I will see if it works in reverse and hide under there and have my me time and see if the kiddo finds me. Just goes to show you I never grew up and I stick to my plans. One day one of them has to pan out right? 

I know I will stick little stars under that bed there and pretend I am laying under the pretty stars. Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars How I Wonder What You Are... Ahhhhh so relaxing don't you think? I do so yes today is just one of them days to hide under the bed. I am going to hang a do not disturb sign on the end of the bed  and not coming out! An no one can make me till I am darn good and ready. After all it is my me time right? So I am going to enjoy it. *so long as the bed bugs don't bite... or the dust bunnies!*

Happy Hiding Readers, 

The Fry

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Is That Paint Really Wet?

Have you ever thought how many things you just automatically take as true but the simplest things we question. To give a example. Why is it that when someone tells you that there's billions of stars in the universe you believe them. Yet when you a sign that tells you wet paint we have to touch it to be sure. It is like when you are a kid and your mom tells you NO TOUCH THAT. So you just have to sneak it when she looks away so you can have your own little victory. HA HA I touched it. An then other times well it didn't go so well and she was right. It always sucks to admit when they are right! 

Really though it is the same thing with so many things. Like don't stick your tongue on a 9V battery cause you will be shocked. I admit I did it and yep I got shocked. I will not say it was not cool... or that I never did it again but that's another story! Right now we are talking about things we trust without thinking and those we try our selves cause we just have to know! 

I wonder how many things like the stars I really take as fact without seeing and learning it for myself. What if I start to question more things and trying them? Will I learn a lot and have fun or go mad trying to learn everything and become just one big question... Wow so much thinking my head hurts! I can see smoke coming out of my ears! 

I think I will pick something to test and see if it is true. I promise nothing dangerous. I am no myth busters master. I just want to try some of the things that look cool. Maybe the how to make a soda bottle rocket... hehe that would be fun! BOOM! Plus no mommy here to tell me not to. HA HA! I am older now and I can do what I want *evil grin* 

Well go and have you some fun. Think of something you have taken as fact and always wanted to see for sure yourself. Just make sure it is something you can do safely! No loss of limbs today please! You don't want to end up like No Longer Leaping Larry the Kangaroo. Sad story that one! So be safe and have fun. I know I will!

Question An Try It All Readers,

The Fry

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It Is Not Possible To Think Nothing

I was thinking as I watched this show that is saying clear your mind of everything and don't think. Just feel the stuff around you and listen. That is a bunch of bull. After all your brain has to think to tell your ears to listen and to feel your brain has to work and think. An to even clear your head of other thoughts you have to first think to do so. So the whole time your thinking and telling yourself not to THINK! The truth is we never really stop thinking and to clear your mind is only really slowing down and bringing focus to certain thoughts.

So my thought is think as much as you want! Don't try to clear the head force as much into it at once then try to focus them. That would build your thinking a lot more then clear your mind and let it wander and block out all the rest. I find my weirdest and best ideas come when I let it all in. No matter how weird! After all this blog is all my randomness and I wouldn't have that if I followed the weird guru monkeys that tell me to clear my head of all thoughts and be at peace.

I would rather have a piece of cake. Talk to my squirrels... Think of ways to make them a saddle to ride roosters... Hey that would be cool! I wonder if I could race them... Rooster Racing. It could work!

Well that said grab a piece of cake... It is going to be a good day filled with random thoughts. An I for one and not willing to miss it.... Unless I win the lottery and run off to start my own circus of turtles that do tricks and can talk. I will call it the Turtle Circus ... Staring The Freds! A group of turtle brothers that can do the flying traipse. It could happen... maybe.

If not well I will be back to blog another day. In til then I will call this day... Random Thoughts Day. Get to thinking!

Happy Random Thoughts Day Readers,

The Fry

Monday, April 9, 2012

If You Are Walking An Your Name Is Jay?

I was thinking about jaywalking... As I was well .. jaywalking. I got to thinking if your name is actually Jay wouldn't you be Jay-walking every time you took a step and started to walk? I don't see how Jay could avoid jaywalking. Unless every time he went to move he did so at a full on run. Then he would be Jay-running. RUNNN JAY RUNNNNNNNNN! an jay-running is not illegal at all.

With that said what if I ran and didn't walk then couldn't I get out of the ticket by saying to the cop I was never walking? I think this could hold up in court. Might be worth testing but first I would have to be willing to pay for the cop calling me a smart arse and giving me a jaywalking ticket. Though I think the judge would see my side if I went to court to fight it. This could even be on the news. Woman Goes To Court To Prove Jayrunning Is Not Jaywalking! I could be famous and not just in my mind this time!

Also food for thought.. is it jaywalking or is it pattern walking if I walk in a pattern as I walk? I could also walk on my hands and that could be Handwalking.. not jaywalking... hmmm ... maybe!

Really though who came up with the name jaywalking. Did some idiot get hit by a car named jay... and they go well that's what jay gets. Could be that or maybe there was just a guy named Jay and he walked a lot where he should not be. People yelling WHERE IS THAT JAY WALKING THIS TIME! So they had to make it law to make Jay safe. I like that idea mhmm.

Either way rules are made to be broken and I will IGNORE the sign and like Areosmith would say.. WALK THIS WAY and cross that way. Try and catch me and I will jayrun! so nanner nanner boo boo! I got a new way to walk... walk walk! *walks across the road* 

Safe Crossing The Roads Readers,

The Fry

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I Want To Hide More Then Eggs

I know it is the normal thing to hide Easter eggs around the house for people to find. An sometimes plastic eggs with jelly beans. I think it would make it more fun to do something else. Like for a good boss thing take a bigger plastic egg and say put gift certificate or cards in them.

It would be a good way to make people happier about being stuck at work on the holiday. Plus it will make them hate you less for it. Win Win right there I think! Unless they go greedy and start to beat each other over who got more eggs. Then lawsuits and not so fun but well that's a risk you would have to be willing to take!

Then again you might not be at work and want to go evil and take peoples things and hide them in eggs. Like ha ha got your keys! Find the eggs that have your things and them frustrated ripping the house apart for their stuff. While you sit there like Dr. Evil and laugh. For that I would suggest that you find a evil bunny costume to really get into the role.

I wonder what would be like if there was a Evil Easter Bunny? Would he hide eggs that explode? That would be kinda fun... YAY I found a Egg........BOOM! lol. Yep I think Easter needs a villain. St. Patty's day has people trying to take his gold. V-day we have people trying to take out cupids. Thanksgiving we have people trying to kill turkeys. An Christmas has the Grinch. I think I will come up with a Evil Easter Bunny... I will call him Rex... maybe ... or Stan ... Evil Stan.

So watch out cause next year you might just get a visit from Stan The Evil Easter Bunny next year. Handle them eggs with care.. Cause they might go BOOM!

Happy Easter Readers, 

The Fry 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Why I Want To Be A Pirate

I decided today when I was walking in the mall that I wanted to be a pirate. See then I could jump into the fountain and yell ME GOLD! I think it would be so much fun and I could keep all my treasure that I got out of the fountain. I wonder what they would do if I pushed one of the benches to the edge of the fountain and made people walk the plank! It wouldn't hurt them after all they wouldn't have far to fall at all. It was not a huge fountain and the bench not high. So it would be all good right.

How would I look as I pirate? I bet cool... I could even make my little squirrels pirates too! give them little pirate hats? I think so yep yep. An maybe a Monkey named First Mate Banana?

I don't see how this plan could fail! I just gotta find the my costume now. A monkey to be my First Mate Banana and we will be ready. Time to go to looking for them and then to the mall we go to get me Treasure!!

Well its off to the clear blue waters to make my fortune. ARRRRGGGGGGGGG! ;) 

Happy Treasure Hunting Readers,

The Fry

Friday, April 6, 2012

I Need To Train My Squirrels To...

Well I was thinking trained squirrels might be better then say a trained monkey even. See a trained monkey yes can do a lot but think of how fast a squirrel goes. It could clean a room in probably minutes instead of hours. Plus a squirrel is cheaper to feed. Banana's are way more costly then nuts. You could literally make them work for peanuts!

It would take time yes to make things that they could use to clean. Like a mini car that is a vacuum cleaner. Small squirrel sized dish towels and scrubbers... heck a sock on there tail for dusting think of all the small spots they could get to. Your house could be spotless for the cost of a few wittle nuts!

Plus they look so darn cute in their uniforms! I will let you know how it goes. Who knows in the future we might not have costly robots but a squirrel workforce of highly paid squirrels. Might make nuts for humans harder to get but I am willing to give them up to not have to clean. I think you will agree with me on that. Unless you are just nuts about your nuts. Then you might miss the shortage of peanuts and walnuts... an all the other nuts. I still say worth it for sure! 

Have A Nutty Day Readers,

The Fry

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dance Like You Have Ants In Your Pants

Have you ever just had one of those days that you cant really explain why it was blah... cause it just was? I mean I really just feel frustrated a bit but cant explain why. The cure for this is to find some good music. Crank it loud as you want. Make sure no one is around and do your happy dance. Sing along and look like you are dancing with ants in your pants.

Whatever you want to do just do it! Let it all go and do whatever feels right. Even if it seems silly or something you would never normally do. After all the things you think you would never do open your eyes to see what you might not have. So do whatever that happy dance is for you. That's up to you cause it is just you. Like a blog idea that snaps into your head like a monkey getting struck by holding up a stick while he happy dances or just a feeling of more confidence cause you did it. Whatever it might be you silly monkey!

Have fun and get out of your head and do something silly. Trust me I was blanking on my blog and then I got up and turned on the music. Next thing I knew I was jumping around singing on the furniture and laughing!

I ended it by taking a giant leap onto the bed and yelling touchdown! Then my dog tackled me and I laughed more. An all my frustrating writers block went poof out the window. Then I went for the ice cream. YUMMY!

So to sum up really quick before this ice cream melts.. Yummy stuff! It is strawberry which to me is the best. What is your favorite? ... Sorry off track whoops. FOCUS... FOCUS! I got this... I think. :) Nothing cant Be solved with a Happy Dance, Good Music and Ice Cream! Try it and see if I am right.

Dance Your Happy Dance Readers,

The Fry

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why Fuzzy Socks Are Always Better

I know this is pretty much self explanatory but I will make sure people know why they are better. Plus they are so awesome that they deserve their own blog. I don't buy really buy anything but fuzzy socks anymore. They are the only ones I want. So here is why.

They look awesome and look so cute! An they are warm and feel good on my feet. I feel like I am a little kid and it makes my toes happy little piggies. I sit and look at them and play with my feet. I can not look at my fuzzy socks and not grin.. They are fuzzy greatness! They also are good for running.. and sliding on floors. Just remember there is no breaks! I learned that they hard way... Then didn't care and did again... ZOOM >>>>> SPLAT into the wall. Still so very fun!

So go get you a pair today... Have you a happy feet moment!

I say today needs to be a holiday. Just for these awesome socks! I will call it Fuzzy Sock Day or Fuzzy Fun Day. What one do you like best? Let me know! 

Have a Fuzzy Fabulous Day Readers,

The Fry

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How To Play In The Hail 101

Well I was thinking today, as i was watching the tornado warnings all around and the reports on the hail, what I could do to make it safe to play in? I got to thinking Well the first thing you would need is some padding of some kind like blankets that would absorb the hit but its soft and could still knock you out. You would need something bigger... A huge trash can would be perfect! It would have to be the plastic round one. So it could be whacked and wiggle a little ad absorb more of the direct impact shock.. but what would take it more so and strong enough not to be ripped apart fast by sharp ice hail balls.

The answer Bubble Wrap with duct tape around it!so here is the plan...
1. You need to get a hose.. something to breath through cause your going to be jammed in with blankets into a trash can.

2. Take you trash can and wrap it with the bubble wrap as much as you think you need depending on the hail size. This is trial and error but in this case ... more is better! Trust me on this!

3 Take the duct tape and wrap it all around the bubble wrap giving it almost a protective thick skin as much as you think it needs to make it like a think layer of a rubber ball.

4. Put the hose in your mouth and have a friend wrap you in 2 to 3 blankets. This is a must! It is your padding from that plastic trash can hard sides.

5. Then have them shove the trash can down on you over them and you are ALL SET TO PLAY!

You have all you need to know now to safely play in the hail anytime you want. Remember safety first and fun second!

Happy Stormy Day Readers,

The Fry

Monday, April 2, 2012

Explosive Ocean

Oh look it is Nemo... BOOM ... Buh-bye Nemo! Seriously found out that there are 92 known cases of nuclear bombs lost at sea. What happens if a fish swims into it cause he is drunk off drinks from the local watering hole? There he is swimming along.. What is this it looks all shined up and purdy ...bam... BOOM and then Buh-bye fish and lots of other things. 

Really if we know they were lost have we ever tried looking for them? They are bombs! Not a thing we would just go oh yeah that got lost somewhere... eh don't worry about where all we need to know is it's gone. Let Nemo worry about it we are above the water not our problem. 

Joe don't touch that... JOE NOOOOOOOOOOOOO....

Well Joe made that number go down. Only 91 more to go! I wounder if they could find them if the really try. A bomb tracker. A better way of finding them then poor Joe up there. The oceans I thought were not safe cause of the sharks but looks like worth things are in the water huh Joe. Scary! *hides under my couch where it is safe* Ahhhh better! :) 

Happy Swimming Readers,

The Fry

The New Logo

This is not the days blog but I just want to note the making of my logo. :) If you like how it looks feel free to let me know and comment on it!

Thanks Readers,

The Fry

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy Pigs Come From England!

Well they say happy cows come from California. After the funny fact I found today I would have to say... Happy pigs come from England! It is a law that you must give your pigs toys in England. They want happy pigs.  Does a pig get spoiled if it has to many toys? What do you do with a naughty pig? Take them away? lol. I swear this had me laughing so I had to look and see if it was true and I was a bit shocked to find out so much about piggies and there toys!

A lazy or bored pig is no good then they become mean and destructive. Evil villain pigs plotting to take over the farm! RUNNNNN... or just give them fun toys to play with. I wonder if you gave it a stuff pigged and it tore it up would that be pig on pig violence or would it play nice with the toy piglet?

This pig is a toy thief and I think if he takes the wrong toy that puppy gonna have himself a bit of bacon or two! I feel bad for the little puppy that has to share with that real toy hog! He just hogging them all and the poor pup is just sitting there going MY TOYS! 

Well maybe that is why pigs are also called hogs? They hog all the good ones for themselves and don't share the fun. Either way the happiest Pigs In the world are in England cause they have the law on their side and never have to share or go without a fun toy to play with. LUCKY PIGS! 

Ham For All & Thanks For Reading My Readers,

The Fry