Friday, April 15, 2016

Would A Blog Without Pictures Be As Awesome As One With Pictures?

So as I went to look for a pic to inspire some crazy rambling writing to make you laugh at I got the thought... Would it be just as good a post without a picture? Do I really need goofy photos to make people read what I am saying??

DO I!! Well answer me darn it! 

It is not nice to ignore me you know I have feelings!

I'm talking to you not the person behind you... thou they seem nice and all I want you to answer not them... 

Don't you like me? 

I will tell you that your pretty and I will buy you ice cream...

Wow your mean I'm not even gonna look at you now... I'm gonna talk to the wall behind you cause even the wall has better manners then you! 


Well since walls don't talk I'm just going to go now you big meany that will not answer me. You see what you have done. You've made me leave. Sad and question not answered. I hope you are happy and laughing your evil meanie laugh right now you big butthead!

Goodbye wall (ignoring you)

CK Squirrel

The Spy Squirrel Is BACK!

I remember this gangster spy squirrel I seen a while ago but then I moved and I lost him. It was so good that i was free.. but as i was going to work today I seen him hiding in a tree... HE IS BACK!!! 


Yep he found me I don't know how but he found me!! I swear the squirrels are the ones we have to worry about taking over the world. Everyone else is thinking aliens but really it is the squirrels that will rise to power and get us all!!! RUN RUN RUN!!!

CK Squirrel (yes as you might have guessed why I know this) .... I AM ONE OF THEM *MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*

This was all a ruse and now by reading this my little mob squirrels have found you and we are one step closer to taking over the world. 

Enjoy things how they are for now cause squirreltopia will soon be upon us! 

CK Squirrel aka Squirrel Leader & Mastermind

Friday, April 8, 2016


Well this pic pretty much is my week lol. BOOM! So much has been going on and to top it off I was sick but that is okay BOOM! 

Time to get back to the crazy of blogging and I will be keeping this up just like I said I would be and adding to all of my blogs. I'm so proud of me! lol 

So today I have a crazy thought for yall... What would happen if you randomly went up to people and tapped them on the nose... grinned.. Yelled your it and ran away. How many do you think you could do that to before it all went very wrong?

I am thinking atleast a few what are you thinking? 

Well thats it from this half still sick squirrel/fry for today keep your thoughts crazy and your life fill of smiles.

CK Squirrel

Monday, April 4, 2016

Rise from the ashes!

Well I am back at it again!

The fry is back with a little twist I'm a fry still but I am the fry that is actually a squirrel who thinks she is a fry? Come on you know you followed that right? LOL

The fact is I am going to be still writing this blog as fry cause it would be too hard to change it at this point. Yet I will be doing more then one blog now and all the others are going to be under my new pen name for my writing.. CK Squirrel. I like the look of it and I think it is gonna work well for me dontcha think? I do! 


Well this is not really my normal silly post but I wanted to get one out the way to get myself going on this page again. Look for my crazy writing to come back here daily if I can do it.. I will really try! 

So my dear readers please bare with me with the new changes and get ready for bigger and better! As I'm ready to take over the world!!!! ... Whoops I mean take over the blogging world.. not the real world that would be crazy... right? Yep Yep *winks* 

Till the next post readers keep on smiling and being your silly selves and so will I,

The Fry
CK Squirrel