Friday, August 24, 2012

I think my bagel is looking at me...

I am not wrong!! There is a eye in middle of my bagel! It is clearly looking right at me! What does it want!

Does it want my brain? I mean it is like new cause I forget to use it lots but it's mine! It can't have it!

Wait... It's on top of a picture. My bad not the bagels eye... I was scared! Next time I bet it really is looking though! Just you wait readers... I know the bagels are out to get me!

Beware Of The Bagels Readers,

The Fry

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Fry Is Back!! **100th blog post!**

Well readers after a much needed break in the daily blah that I call my life I am back! I know you might have been wondering did that silly little money up and leave us? NO! I just had some stuff that took me away. I know what you are thinking... HOW DARE IT! WE NEED THE FUNNY! Well so do I so I beat them up and then tossed them over a cliff... I will not tell you what one cause then you would have to tell the cops and all that mess... But I got away! Are you proud of me for getting away from the evil people keeping me away? I know I am! I even rewarded myself with ice cream!

Now that I am done rambling about the whys I was away its back to the good stuff! You know what I am talking about wink wink... thats right I am talking about monkey clowns and funny turtles! So to start this right... and without more delay.... I give you!!!

The HAPPY MONKEY SONG! You know you were totally singing along with it too... Don't LIE! I so heard you readers! You were singing away all happy with the monkeys! Me I kind of think the blue monkey is cooler though... sorry red monkey! You cook but blue is just better. YUP! 

Well time for me to swing away with the monkeys till next time readers. I promise with all my fingers, toes and everything else not crossed that I will be back tomorrow for more silly fun with you! 

Keep Grinning You Silly Monkeys,

The Fry

**side note I DID IT 100 Blogs! I cant wait to get to 1,000 and with yall I know I can one day!**